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Monday, November 14, 2011

Emmanuel's Visit Day 5 (Final day)

Today was the last day of Emmanuel's visit. We had to get up early in the morning so that he could get on his flight back to Ghana. I had a great time with him while he was here and sent him home with a seashell that he could hear the ocean waves crashing in. He said that he had a memorable visit and would come back again when he could. He also liked the new airport. He commented on how there were no stucco walls and red tile roofs in Ghana.

Here is the airport:

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Emmanuel's visit day 4

Today Emmanuel and I drove up into the Santa Ynez Mountains. We drove up Old San Marcos Road, and stopped at a view point near the top. Here is the view that greeted us:

Then we went back into town to go biking along the bike path next to State Street and along the ocean past the pier. Emmanuel thought that it was funny how there was a road just for the bikers, because in Ghana they didn't have bike paths like that. He also thought it was fun watching people play on the beach with their dogs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Emmanuel's Visit day 3

Today I took Emmanuel to the harbor to look at the boats. While we were there, we saw a man playing in a whirlpool. The whirlpool was formed by the tide, and he was in a kayak. Emmanuel commented on how the water in his town didn't spin like that. After we looked at the harbor, we went to Rudy's Mexican for lunch. He didn't like the burritos because they tasted like cheese. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Emmanuel's Visit Day 2

Today I took Emmanuel to the beach. We walked along the beach with our shoes off, in the wet sand with the waves coming over our feet. Emmanuel loved it. He said that he had never been able to do something like this, walking along the beach. He also said that it was funny being at the ocean without all of the local fishing boats going past.

The sound of the waves

<a href="//"><img alt="Play" src="" style="border:0px;"></a>

Emmanuel's Visit Day 1

   Today I took Emmanuel to the creek near our house, San Jose Creek. We slid down the rock face were the water was flowing. He said that it was like a water slide and was very tired out at the end of the day. The creek is up in the mountains, near San Marcos Pass